Entertainment Industry Unions

Labor Unions in the Entertainment Industry

Friday, February 17, 2023
Event Time 05:00 p.m. - 06:30 p.m. PT
Cost Free
Location Marcus Hall 224
Contact Email beca@sfsu.edu


Join us for an evening lecture on working with labor unions in the entertainment industry.

BECA alumni and staff audio engineer, Lyle Nagatomo, will be presenting an introductory lecture into the world of entertainment unions and their role in television, film, theater, and live event production. The lecture will cover information on the main unions representing talent, producers, directors, technicians, stagehands, and craftspeople in the entertainment industry.

The event will feature guests from IATSE Local 16, including President Danny Borelis, Assistant Business Agent Joanne Desmond, and others, to discuss post-graduation work opportunities for students interested in working as technicians in the Bay Area.

There will also be an opportunity for students to sign up for on-campus technical workshops and future tour events being hosted by engineers from IATSE Local 16.

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