GatorFest 2020

San Francisco State University is proud to welcome the entering class of 2020, transfer students, and international students to our campus community.
We are excited that you have chosen San Francisco State and look forward to seeing you this Fall. As you start planning your arrival to campus in August, please remember to make preparations for GatorFest! - the university's welcome programs! This is a unique six to eight week long series of events focused on all of our new students and their families and guests. GatorFest! events will start Friday, August 14with and continue throughout the first few weeks of the semester. See the main schedule below and via the GatorGuides Mobile App!
But the welcome doesn't end there! Transition programs continue throughout the first month of the fall semester!
Be on the lookout for the "FroshMemo" and check the New Student Programs website and the Gator Guides Mobile App (Apple iOS or Google Play) on a regular basis for upcoming events, workshops, campus resources, and involvement opportunities.
Meet new people and have fun! Celebrate San Francisco State! Go Gators!