Internships in the Entertainment Industry with Simone Nelson
Event Date: Wednesday, September 11 - 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm
Location: Burh Hall 1
Hear from Simone Nelson, Managing Director & Haley Seppa, Creative Operations & Internship Program Manager fromThe California State University Entertainment Alliance (CSUEA) about their work, programs and resources for students looking to enter the ultra-competitive entertainment arts and media industry. They will also share their own journeys from campus to career and might cover such topics as:
- “How Do I Get My Toe in the Industry Door” (never mind my whole foot)?
- What are the different kinds of jobs available in Entertainment besides the obvious?
- Do I have to live in Los Angeles or a major city to work in media arts and entertainment?
- What kind of opportunities are available through the Cal State Entertainment Alliance?
- What’s good about the CSUEA internship program vs. one through my Department & College?
- If a lot of entertainment industry is about “who you know” – how do we get to know those in the know?
- Why they like their work and want to you to too.
You are welcome to come prepared with questions – except the meaning of life. (If they knew that they probably would not be speaking to our class … ;)
All students welcome!
This event is sponsored by BECA 276.